Boone Valley Brewing Events
March 31st, 2012 1:00 to 10:00 p.m.
Join us for our Grand Opening! We appreciate the enthusiasm and support we have received. It's been a long road but we are excited to finally invite you to check us out and to experience our hand-crafted beer.
Upcoming Events/Concepts
Here are some of our ideas but we encourage you to let us know what things you would like to see happening at BVB. Submit your suggestions to brewmaster (at) or to our Facebook page.
Guest Brewer's Night- Although we are still developing our ideas about what will make BVB fresh and continually interesting (besides our beer), one concept has persisted.
Every home brewer dreams about having their favorite beer on tap somewhere. We would like to give that opportunity to those brave individuals who are willing to put themselves out there. BVB will provide the necessary materials and equipment and assist with the brewing process. When the brew is ready for consumption, and the brewer has approved the beer, BVB will announce the date for tapping the beer and the brewer will be onsite to take credit and feedback. What has not been determined yet is how the brewer will be selected. Suggestions for doing this have included a brew-off, a lottery, a voting process, and cash under the table (just kidding!), Please offer your thoughts on our Facebook page.
Chili Cook-Off- What goes better with beer than chili-at least until the next day? We are considering setting up a chili contest and letting our customers vote for their favorite chili recipes.
Root Beer Floats- The ladies of BVB would like to offer root beer for the younger crowd and/or non-beer drinking designated driver. We will be working on a recipe that is unique to BVB but will probably start out with a mainstream product brewed in-house. With summer coming, having root beer floats on a Sunday afternoon was a natural progression of thought. We would like to combine our root beer with the homemade ice cream from Sweet Treats in Jewell, Iowa for a delicious summer treat.
Game Day Events- Something to liven up Game Day at BVB- whether it be football, basketball, or the Olympics (really?), we would like to hear what would increase your enjoyment of time spent here on game day.